Brent Ford discovered his love for running when he tipped the scales at 140.8 kilograms, often shuffling around his suburb of Canberra, working through the distances of five kilometres, to ten, before running a half marathon in 2019.
But, it was after testing his body during his first ultra at Stromlo that he truly fell in love with the sport, and it was through sharing his own journey to 100 kilometres that he realised there were many incredible stories to be told.
This is a podcast for those who are yet to find their limit, and are keen to hear how others are going about finding theirs. As a journalist with a curious nature, Peak2Soon tells the story of everyday people doing incredible things in the sport of trail and ultra running.
You can support the podcast in other ways through the Patreon:
A Gaby Villa Nutrition Masterclass
Gaby Villa is a sports nutritionist, dietitian and founder of IntensEATfit. She specialises in optimising performance for triathletes and ultra-runners by making food their best ally in sport and life. Over the past decade, Gaby has supported hundreds of athletes, including former backyard ultra world record holder Phil Gore, to overcome lack of energy and gut upset so they can fuel their bodies with confidence and race to their full potential.
After overcoming her struggles with body image and weight concerns for several years, Gaby has witnessed and lived the benefits of seeing food beyond its nutrients.
Gaby is on a mission to empower people to fuel with purpose while building a happy and strong body. She strives to contribute to a world that enables and promotes a healthy and active lifestyle for everybody.
This has been a podcast episode I've been looking forward to, I hope you enjoy!