Brent Ford discovered his love for running when he tipped the scales at 140.8 kilograms, often shuffling around his suburb of Canberra, working through the distances of five kilometres, to ten, before running a half marathon in 2019.
But, it was after testing his body during his first ultra at Stromlo that he truly fell in love with the sport, and it was through sharing his own journey to 100 kilometres that he realised there were many incredible stories to be told.
This is a podcast for those who are yet to find their limit, and are keen to hear how others are going about finding theirs. As a journalist with a curious nature, Peak2Soon tells the story of everyday people doing incredible things in the sport of trail and ultra running.
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Banking On Herself: Maddy Reynolds' Leap Of Faith
When Covid hit Maddy Reynolds needed an escape. She began going on short runs with her housemates, which saw them run a marathon around Sydney.
But unlike her housemates Maddy pushed on in her running journey by finding solitude in the trails, the challenge of navigating rough terrain, and taking in the breathtaking beauty of nature, which became the perfect antidote to the uncertainty of those times.
It's led her on an incredible journey which saw her quit her job at one of the biggest investment banks in the world, and move to the Pyrenees in France to chase the dream of being one of the world's top trail runners.
Recently, she finished as one of the top 30 females globally at OCC, this episode takes a deep dive into Maddy's rapid rise, and how sometimes in life you just have to take that risk and back yourself in.